Bury Bees collect nectar and pollen from a variety of flowers and trees in and around the villages of Bury and West Burton, situated in the Sussex South Downs National Park.
We have had apiaries in the area since 2009.
Our honey is sold pure and untreated, just as the bees have made it.

We harvest pure unrefined honey using minimal filtering. Our honey is jarred on site at our 5-rated hygiene premises to ensure our products meet the highest standards. We sell:
Spring Set Honey
Summer Floral Honey
Cut Comb
Frames of honey comb​​
Squeezy bears
Wedding favours
Christmas gifts
Wax Wraps (the sustainable alternative to plastic film)

As well as being delicious, Bury Bees honey contains pollen, propolis, and other micronutrients that could otherwise be destroyed by heat and pasteurisation.

It is reputed that raw local honey can help hay fever sufferers develop an immunity to local pollen.
Coughs and colds can be eased by taking local honey so preventing the use of antibiotics Oxford University 2020


"I can't tell you the pleasure having them gives us. Its not just the honey, although that is totally wonderful and delicious, its seeing them buzzing around doing their stuff.
I couldn't have bees unless I had someone totally brill like you to look after them as I am not around enough at the moment so thank you very much for sorting out everything".
We offer beekeeping services for those wishing to keep bees in their own garden, including looking after hives whilst owners are on holiday.
We sell colonies of bees and their hives . Prices range from £60 to £360. ​Our beekeepers provide native bees (not bought from abroad), bred to suit our local Sussex environment.
We are also able to assist with:
Setting up an apiary and providing hives.
Inspections including treatments and swarm control.
Teaching beekeeping skills, enabling self-sufficiency, and promoting the fun of beekeeping.​
We collect swarms across the South Downs and rehouse them